Getting cash back with Fat Wallet is very simple. You click through to the merchant of your choice from and make your purchase. Fat Wallet will automatically calculate and keep track of your purchase (if for some reason the retailer does not report your purchase to Fat Wallet, you can manually provide the info to Fat Wallet and they will verify the purchase through the retailer.) Your earnings will show as pending in your account until Fat Wallet is paid by the retailer. Once Fat Wallet is paid, your cash back become available and you can request payment via check, Paypal, or Amazon gift card. It's that simple!
Examples of the types of cash back you can get shopping through Fat Wallet include:
- Amazon (3% cash back)
- eBay (1% cash back)
- Priceline (5% cash back)
- Groupon (3% cash back)
- Nike (6% cash back)
- Overstock (2.5% cash back)
- Walmart (1% cash back)
- Orbitz (5% cash back)
- Macy's (2.5% cash back)
- Gap (3% cash back)
...and hundreds more popular online retailers!
In addition to offering cash back, Fat Wallet will provide you with coupon and promo codes to save even more online and they have a very active forum discussing the best deals online and giving tips and tricks for saving the most money possible while shopping online.
In addition to saving you money with cash back shopping, Fat Wallet will pay you to refer your friends and family to Fat Wallet. For every person you get to sign-up for Fat Wallet that makes a purchase of at least $25 through one of Fat Wallet's retailers, you will be paid $5.
Fat Wallet is a great resource for saving tons of money shopping online. To start saving with Fat Wallet, sign-up here.

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